/ Media / Photos

Photos within The Life of Our Parish

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The Mystery of Holy Baptism of Thy Servants Logan Morton and Christopher Blaire - 06/22/24

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St. George Orthodox Church Convert, Catechumen, Inquirer Gathering - 06/26/24

To The Glory of God we held our 2nd Concert, Catechumen, Inquirers Class/Gathering following the Celebration of The Paraklesis Prayer Service in Honor of the Theotokos.
Tonight’s Topic: “The Essence and Meaning of Prayer in relation to God’s Will”
We had 12 people in attendance who engaged in prayer, fellowship, open and honest discussion and fruitful dialogue and teaching.
This Class/Gathering is to help assist and guide our Catechumens and Inquirers on their personal spiritual journey towards The Orthodox Faith and express our love, prayers, and support for them as continue their journey and pilgrimage to becoming members of The Body of Christ in The Holy Orthodox Faith and members of our beloved parish here at St. George as well as for those who have converted to The Orthodox Faith. By The Grace of God, we have had 8 individuals received into The Holy Orthodox Faith since January 2024 and 16 in total since September 2023 and we are currently working with 6 individuals on becoming members of The Holy Orthodox Faith. All to, with and for The Glory of God!
Have you converted to The Orthodox Faith? Are you a Catechumen in The Orthodox Faith? Are you an Inquirer seeking and learning about The Orthodox Faith? Are you a lifelong Orthodox Christian seeking to learn more about The Orthodox Faith then........
Come Taste and See The Faith of The Holy Apostles! Come, Share, and Tell your story of your journey to The Holy Orthodox Faith and to St. George Orthodox Church.
Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight as together we journey through The Orthodox Faith!!
Bring your questions!! Bring your enthusiasm!! Bring your desire to learn more about The Faith of The Apostles established on The Teachings of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ!
Looking forward to our next gathering, which will be on July 24!
If anytime anyone has any questions about The Orthodox Faith, The Church and Her Teachings, please do not hesitate to let me know. You can always reach out to me via phone (text or call - 608.851.3811) or PM or email(
We invite you to join us in prayer for our weekly Divine Services.
Please visit our parish website for our calendar of Services and Events within the Life of our Parish (
Come Pray with us! Come Grow with us!
May God continue to bless and guide all of you and keep you in His loving care.
Lord it is good to be here.


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St. George Orthodox Church Summer 2024 Education Lecture Series

St. George Orthodox Church Summer 2024 Education Lecture Series - 07/16/24

To continue ministering to everyone in our parish ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the education classes that are offered each month, we will be holding a 4-Part Education Lecture Series on "Orthodox Spirituality and Prayer" beginning with  TUESDAY JULY 16, 2024!

What is Orthodox Spirituality all about? How does it help us grow in our Faith? This 4-part lecture series will attempt to answer these questions and many more.

WHERE:  St. George Orthodox Church

                  2 Nottingham Terrace – Buffalo, NY 14216

WHEN:  Tuesday Evenings – 6:00 to 7:30 PM   - In The Church

                July 16, July 30, August 13, August 27


July 16 – Salvation: The Process of transformation via the Holy Spirit

                                  [Orthodox Understanding vs Western Christianity Understanding]

July 30 – The Spiritual Vision and Goals:

                 Grace and Theosis as the Work of God            Love as our Goal        

                 Image and Likeness of God

August 13 – Supports and Aids for the Journey:

                     The Grace of God within us and Spiritual Transformation

                   Prayer            Fasting                             Faith as our Framework

                   Virtue            Good Works                    Hope as our Atmosphere                                           

August 27 – The Spiritual Journey: Prayer, Fasting, and Communion with The Saints

                     Liturgical/Sacramental Prayer                                 Prayer     Virtues vs Vices                                                 

                     Private/Personal Prayer – “The Jesus Prayer”         Fasting

                     Communion of and with The Saints

The presentations will be part lecture, part discussion, with lots of time for questions and answers.

Lectures will be held on 4 Tuesdays from 6:00-7:30 p.m. and will be held at St. George Orthodox Church (2 Nottingham Terrace Buffalo, NY) in the Church with refreshments. Come to as many classes are you are able. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Fr. Jason at or 716.875.4222 or Dr. Anthony at 619-822-5158






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5th Anniversary Celebration and Marriage Blessing of David and Lea Canaski - 07/21/24

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The Annual Blessing of Honey - 08/04/24

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Recognition of High School Graduate - John Judge - 08/04/24

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Making of an Altar Server - Frankie Seraphim Pavicich - 08/11/24

“This is the Day that The Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
This beautiful Psalm verse sums every Sunday here at our amazing parish of St George Orthodox Church (Buffalo NY) where we gather together as a parish family each week..sometimes multiple times a give Glory, Honor, Worship, and Thanks to God for All of His mercies seen and unseen.
Well, today was no different and no exception:
- Beautiful Divine Liturgy with a Full Church
- Fruitful Parish Meeting
- Amazing Church School Picnic/Gathering
- Pastoral Visitation to one of our homebound parishioners
As well as The Blessing of Frankie Seraphim Pavicich to become an Altar Server. This young man was just Baptized into The Holy Orthodox Church 4 months ago together with his family and now he is serving Our Lord in His Holy Altar as an Altar Server.
What a joyous moment in his life and in his family’s life as well as for our parish family. A great blessing for all of us.
When asked what he would like to do when he grows up…his response was priceless…”Maybe become a priest!!” I replied by saying…”Well, if you can wait 16 years, I will have a great parish for you. I’ll be to sure to get it all ready for you!”
Frankie Seraphim, never lose your joy, your love, and your faith and keep serving Our Lord To His Glory, For His Glory, and With His Glory!
We are proud of you!
Congratulations and God’s blessings upon you as you begin your ministry of serving Our Lord in His Altar as an Altar Server.
Lord it is good to be here!
Glory to You O God for All Things!

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Opening of Church School 2024-2025

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Fall Pictures of Our Parish

St. George Orthodox Church Choir Appreciation Day 2024 - 10/06/24

“Sing Praises to our God! Sing praises to our King…Sing praises!”
Today was Choir Recognition Day here in our parish during which we not only prayed specifically for our choir, but also recognize them for their dedicated service of singing beautifully the responses and the Divine Services in leading all of us in Praise and Glory to God!
We are indeed blessed with an amazing choir under the direction and leadership of Matushka Katia Vansuch.
May God continue to bless and guide them with many more blessed years of good health and happiness and dedicated singing to, with, and for The Glory of God!


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Icon Presentation to Lara Nicholas (Welcome as New Member of Parish Choir) - 10/20/24

Another beautiful day within the Life of our Parish:
 God blessed us with another beautiful and prayerful Divine Liturgy with a full church and beautiful singing by our amazing choir with the help of our younger singers who did an amazing job!! Glory to God!
We also honored one of our newest parishioners and members of our choir Lara Nicholas who moved to Buffalo from Baltimore where her home
parish is St Andrew Orthodox Church. Lara sang for many years in the choir at St Andrew’s and as a token of their love and appreciation for her dedicated service and ministry, on behalf of Fr Ted and the parish choir and community of St Andrew’s, we presented Lara with the Saint Romanos Icon along with a bouquet of flowers from her St Andrew's Parish Family and sang her many years.
She was very humbled and honored by the recognition. It was a wonderful celebration.
And to top it off, Lara even brought chili for our annual chili/chowder/soup cookoff and… Had the most votes and won!!!!
What a most blessed day within the Life of our St George Church with an amazing Parish Family that prays together, has fellowship together and above all grows together in our Faith and Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Glory to You O God for All Things!
Lord it is good to be here!


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2024 Annual Chili/Chowder/Soup Cook-Off - 10/20/24

Another wonderful event within the Life of our Parish…
Annual Chili/Soup/Chowder Cook-Off where we had 7 delicious chilis and soups that were enjoyed by everyone!!
All proceeds went towards our ministries and projects!
Truly it was a wonderful day with our parish family… a day of prayer and Christian Fellowship!
Glory to You O God for All Things!
Lord it is good to be here!


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2024 Annual Trunk-Or-Treat Festival - 10/27/24

Another glorious day within The Life of Our Parish!
- Beautiful Divine Liturgy with a Full Church
- Amazing Fellowship Luncheon
- Wonderful Fun-Filled Trunk-or-Treat Featival
Glory to You O God for All Things!
Lord it is good to be here!

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Honoring our Parish Veterans - 11/10/24

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The 2024 Annual Church School Nativity Program

What a wonderful Church School Nativity Celebration and Program where our dear children, being guided by our amazing Church School Team : Mat. Katia Vansuch, Andrea Chmiel, and Gina Pavicich told us the Story of The Nativity of Our Lord through eyes and hearts!
As we say here at St George…It’s All About Christ!
These dear children are the future and present of The Church and in that we are reminded that our Life is All About living and proclaiming Christ to The World!
Well Done Children…Well Done!
Your St George Parish Family is so proud of you!
May God continue to bless and guide our dear children as they continue to grow and nurture in their Holy Orthodox Faith!

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St. George Orthodox Church Brotherhood Outreach Ministry

Our St George Brotherhood went down to Hearts for The Homeless and assisted with stocking all the shelves and freezers with food from Wegmans, delivered food to store front and assisted with preparing packages for code blue to serve our brothers and sisters in need.

This is one of the many organizations that we support throughout the year. Truly, a great blessing for our parish to be able to bring the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ to our brothers and sisters in need by volunteering and working at this wonderful organization.

We are not only volunteering and helping out throughout the year but also we donate Christmas Cookies every year to the Hearts for The Homeless so our brothers and sisters can have a sweet taste of joy at this Christmas Season.

Glory to God for All Things!

Lord it is good to be here!



To Bring ourselves and others to Christ and invitig everyone to: Come, Taste, and See The Faith of The Apostles


The Brotherhood of St George is a group of our dedicated men, under the chairmanship of Mr. John Judge and Mr. William Herman Miller,  who work together for the Glory of God in assisting the Clergy, the Parish Council, and the entiree Parish Family in fulfilling The mission of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ of living, proclaiming, and sharing His Gospel Message in our everyday life and minstry. This includes organizing spiritual discussion groups, monthly spiritual, educational, and social gatherings, outreach ministry, helping with the management, upkeep, and maintenanceof the Church Building and Parish Fellowship Hall as well as The Church Property, assisting the sisterhood, helping the clergy educate the youth, and assisting the Clergy with organizing retreats and pligrimages for our parish community.


The Brotherhood of St. George consists of dedicated and ageless workers who work together, supporting and assisting one another in fostering and nurturing a real brotherhood and unity in Christ, so that we can discover and grow into who God has created us to be. We draw from the sacred teachings of the Orthodox Christian faith which teaches us that God calls men to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, while developing virtue, strength of character, and purity of heart. We strive to carry out God’s Will in our lives by coming together each month in prayer and in fellowship.


The purpose of The Brotherhood of St. George is to develop among the men throughout our parish a spirit of Christian leadership, awareness and commitment as taught in the Holy Orthodox Church; to foster among the men throughout our parish a genuine expression of love and service through works of charity; and to instill among the men throughout our parish and the community at large a sense of prayer, faith, fellowship and a deeper understanding of the faith, heritage, teachings, and traditions of the Orthodox Church.

Orthodox men have a special ministry in the life of a parish. Their role as messengers of the Gospel, teachers, and sustainers of the faith has been central to Church growth since the time of Christ. Our Brotherhood of St. George promotes religious, humanitarian, and social programs that affect the life and growth of our parish and community. As part of their outreach ministry, they participate in local and regional activities designed to raise awareness and funds for promotion of the ministry of the Gospel of Our Lord.

Some Areas that The Brotherhood of St. George will focus in on are as follows but not limited to:

- Main Focus is on Scripture and Spiritual

⁃ Pray Daily for one another, for our parish, and for our brothers and sisters here and throughout the world

- Visit a Monastery

⁃ Fellowship in Local Coffee Shop

⁃ Outreach Ministry

⁃  Monthly Gatherings

⁃ Lectures/Education

⁃ Orthodox Podcasts

⁃ Social Outing

⁃ Work at the Church and on  Church Property

⁃ Work together with Our Sisterhood…cleaning of church/Parish Fellowship Hall

⁃ Work on and address maintenance items and projects throughout the year

How do you join??? Just follow this easy recipe to see if you qualify. First you take faith, dedication and hard work; then sprinkle lots of love, laughter and affection.

For more details and information about The St. George Brotherhood or if you wish to be apart of The St. George Brotherhood, please see or contact John Judge or Bill Miller.  

May God bless and keep you always in His loving care.

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The 2024 Annual Christmas Cookie Tray Sale

To The Glory of God, our parish held its annual Christmas Cookie Tray Sale this past weekend.
Whereby the grace of God and through the generous donations of our wonderful bakers, we made over 40 Christmas Cookie Trays to celebrate an honor this wonderful Nativity Season. We express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to everyone who supported our fundraiser which will help us better serve our community and ministry here at St. George orthodox Church through our outreach ministries.
As this has become a wonderful tradition within the life of our parish, we are already looking forward to next year!!
May God continue to bless guide and keep all of you in His loving care today and always!
Have a blessed day! Have a blessed week! Have a blessed Nativity and Christmas Season! May The Joy of Our Lord be with all of you!

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The Blessing of Joseph Kfoury as an Altar Server

To The Glory of God and by The Grace of God, last Sunday our dear parishioner Joseph Kfoury was blessed to be an Altar Server.
This is a HUGE blessing not only for him but also for his family (and for all of us) but especially his brother Nadim whom he can serve alongside at The Divine Services.
When asked is he wanted to be an Altar Server and serve God, Joseph’s response was priceless… with a loud voice he proclaimed: “YES!!”
Joseph brings so much joy to all of us here at St George Orthodox Church and through this joy he inspires us to always keep our faith strong and trust in The Lord and also to remember that there are no limitations in life when you have God in your heart!
Congratulations Joseph and God’s Blessings upon you!
May God bless you for many more blessed years of good health and happiness and service in The Altar of Our Lord!

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The Annual Blessing of Water for Church School Children

To The Glory of God, we were blessed with another beautiful day within life of our parish!
We had a beautiful Divine Liturgy with a great crowd followed by The Annual Blessing of Waters for our Church School Children.
One of the joys for the children is not only do they participate in The Blessing of Waters, but then afterwards they bless me with Holy Water! It’s a great joy for me It’s a great as well:):)
Glory to You O God For All Things!
Lord it is good to be here!

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Installation of Parish Council (2025)

To The Glory of God, this past Sunday we had another beautiful day within the Life of Our Parish with a wonderful and most blessed Divine Liturgy during which our new Parish Council was installed.
The installation takes place during the Divine Liturgy to signify the importance of the work of the Parish Council being centered around and participating in The Liturgical Life and Spiritual Life of The Church with The Divine Liturgy being the center of our Liturgical Worship.
Following The Divine Liturgy, we held our first parish Council meeting which included fruitful discussion about the life and mission of our parish in all areas: Spiritual/Liturgical, Ministry, Administrative, Maintenance.
At the end of the council meeting, our new Parish Council President passed out the attached : “St George Orthodox Church Parish Council Commitment Pledge” that each of us read together and signed!
May God guide, lead, and guard our work to His Glory, For His Glory, and with His Glory!
Please keep us in your prayers and be assured of our love and prayers for you and your families.
May God Bless and Keep all of you and your families in His loving care today and always!
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Meeting of Our Lord in The Temple, Installation of OCMC Parish Ambassadors, Parish Family Bowling Outing

Another beautiful Sunday within the life of our parish:
- Beautiful Divine Liturgy with a great crowd
- Installing and Blessing of OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center) Parish Ambassadors with Presentation on Missionary Work
* Our Parish supports a Missionary Priest every year!
- Blessing of Candles
- Festive Brunch and Christian Fellowship
- Parish Family Bowling Party
Glory to You O God for All Things!
Lord it is good to be here!

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St. George Orthodox Church
2 Nottingham Terrace; Buffalo, NY 14216

St. George Orthodox Church
2 Nottingham Terrace; Buffalo, NY 14216