Mat. Katia Vansuch – Choir Director/Children’s Choir Director
Mrs. Linda Mucyn – Back-Up Choir Director
Ms. Mariami Bekauri – Back-Up Choir Director
The ministry of our parish choir is twofold. First, it leads the congregation in singing and offering praise, glory, honor, thanks, and worship to God; but second, it ministers to each individual member of the choir who sings in the choir by helping them learn the music and its meaning along with the message of each hymn and their beauty.
We refer to our group as a parish choir because it is composed of the parishioners and faithful parish members. We come together each week, each service to sing praises to The Glory of God! We sing because we love the music and we want to give God the Glory, Honor, and Worship by using the greatest instrument we have - Our Voice! The membership of the choir is open to everyone of all ages! Rehearsals will be forthcoming and will be held on Sundays following coffee hour.
We are always deeply touched when Fr. Jason prays for "those who serve and those who sing" during the litanies of the Divine Services. God has truly heard and responded to our humble prayers, for we have a wonderful group of dedicated choir members who enjoy ministering to God and His Church through music. Come join us! Come sing with us! Come pray with us!
If you’d like to join us, please see or contact Matushka Katia.