To The Glory of God, this past Sunday we had another beautiful day within the Life of Our Parish with a wonderful and most blessed Divine Liturgy during which our new Parish Council was installed.
The installation takes place during the Divine Liturgy to signify the importance of the work of the Parish Council being centered around and participating in The Liturgical Life and Spiritual Life of The Church with The Divine Liturgy being the center of our Liturgical Worship.
Following The Divine Liturgy, we held our first parish Council meeting which included fruitful discussion about the life and mission of our parish in all areas: Spiritual/Liturgical, Ministry, Administrative, Maintenance.
At the end of the council meeting, our new Parish Council President passed out the attached : “St George Orthodox Church Parish Council Commitment Pledge” that each of us read together and signed!
May God guide, lead, and guard our work to His Glory, For His Glory, and with His Glory!
Please keep us in your prayers and be assured of our love and prayers for you and your families.
May God Bless and Keep all of you and your families in His loving care today and always!
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